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  • Appeals court affirms that cheering is not a sport

    Appeals court affirms that cheering is not a sport

    Legal Events 08/08/2012

    A federal appeals court has ruled that colleges cannot count competitive cheerleading as a sport when trying to comply with gender-equity requirements, upholding a U.S. District Court decision against Quinnipiac University. In a decision released Tue...

  • Court spurns religious claim to name change

    Court spurns religious claim to name change

    Legal Events 08/02/2012

    An appeals court has rejected a Kansas man's claim that the federal justice system's refusal to recognize his new Muslim name violates his constitutional religious rights. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that Michael White failed...

  • Goldman agrees to settle mortgage debt class action

    Goldman agrees to settle mortgage debt class action

    Legal Events 07/20/2012

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc has agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit with investors who claimed losses on $698 million of securities backed by risky mortgage loans issued by defunct subprime lender New Century Financial Corp. Lawyers for the investors...

  • Fed court reverses order for VA system overhaul

    Fed court reverses order for VA system overhaul

    Legal Events 05/07/2012

    A federal appeals court on Monday reversed its demand that the Veterans Affairs Department dramatically overhaul its mental health care system. A special 11-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that any such changes need to be or...

  • Bernstein Liebhard LLP Announces Class Action

    Bernstein Liebhard LLP Announces Class Action

    Legal Events 01/31/2012

    Bernstein Liebhard LLP today announced that a class action has been commenced in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on behalf of purchasers of Veolia Environnement S.A.  American Depository Shares (“ADSs”) dur...

  • Law Firm To Collect $35M In Forfeited Bonds

    Law Firm To Collect $35M In Forfeited Bonds

    Legal Events 07/11/2011

    A law firm will be appointed to collect about $35 million in forfeited bonds owed to Dallas County. District Attorney Craig Watkins said Wednesday that a law firm, to be selected later, will get to keep 25 percent of the amount collected. A recent lo...

  • Nevada Supreme Court hosting Law Day Live program

    Nevada Supreme Court hosting Law Day Live program

    Legal Events 05/05/2011

    The Nevada Supreme Court is hosting an interactive Law Day Live forum linking courtrooms in Las Vegas, Carson City, and Winnemucca around an American Bar Association theme honoring the legacy of the nation's second president, John Adams. Court spokes...

  • Conn. high court hears death penalty appeal

    Conn. high court hears death penalty appeal

    Legal Events 04/27/2011

    A lawyer told the state Supreme Court yesterday that his client’s death penalty case was the weakest one ever to go before the high court, alleging that the jury was biased and that key evidence was improperly withheld from the trial. Justices heard ...

  • Lawyer-legislator says ethics opinion clears Prattville lawmaker

    Lawyer-legislator says ethics opinion clears Prattville lawmaker

    Legal Events 03/10/2011

    The chairman of the Legislature's Contract Review Committee said an opinion from the executive director of the State Ethics Commission clears a senator to work for a law firm that does business with the state.The chairman, Republican Sen. Bill Holtzc...

  • Too big to stop? Obama's overhaul lumbers on

    Too big to stop? Obama's overhaul lumbers on

    Legal Events 02/02/2011

    Most insurers, hospital executives and state officials expect they'll keep carrying out President Barack Obama's health care overhaul even after a federal judge cast its fate in doubt by declaring all of it unconstitutional."It's still the law of the...

  • UW Madison's patenting arm wins lawsuit

    UW Madison's patenting arm wins lawsuit

    Legal Events 01/05/2010

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison's patenting arm has won an appeal in federal court against Canadian drug company Xenon. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday in favor of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. The lawsuit dealt with ho...

  • Lawsuit: Botched Diagnosis Led to 30-Year-Old New York Teacher's Brain Hemorrhage Death

    Lawsuit: Botched Diagnosis Led to 30-Year-Old New York Teacher's Brain Hemorrhage Death

    Legal Events 11/23/2009

    Page rank5Doctors at a Long Island hospital failed to properly diagnose a 30-year-old Queens teacher's head pain in the days leading up to her death from a brain hemorrhage, a lawsuit alleges. Melissa Fudge, who taught at PS 16 in Corona, died a year...

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