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Court: Detained immigrant children entitled to court hearing
National News 07/08/2017 -
Court: Energy firm can pass $55M cleanup costs
Legal Solutions 07/06/2017 -
Appeals court backs Jimmy John's franchisee in labor dispute
Lawyer Interviews 07/06/2017
Abduction suspect makes first appearance in court
National News 07/05/2017 -
Indiana high court to rule on Lake Michigan beach ownership
Legal Events 07/04/2017 -
More court challenges expected for Trump's new travel ban
Headline Legal News 07/03/2017
Case of gay couple's wedding cake heads to Supreme Court
Law Firm News 07/01/2017 -
More court challenges expected for Trump's new travel ban
National News 06/30/2017 -
National Courts
United States Courts 06/30/2017
Case of gay couple's wedding cake heads to Supreme Court
Legal Issues 06/28/2017 -
Supreme Court term ended much different than it began
National News 06/27/2017 -
McCarthy found guilty of 2nd-degree murder of Bella Bond
National News 06/26/2017